Ah, ok. For OpenBabel 2.3.2 the location of the data directory reads
or the long form
I assume that you could not find UFF.prm the files as AppData is a
hidden directory.

Best regards

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Re: [Open Babel] question regarding error messages and poor results
Von: Moshe Ben-zion <moshe.ben-z...@biu.ac.il>
An: Andreas Kempe <a.ke...@isd.uni-hannover.de>
Datum: 28.02.2016 10:08
> Dear Andreas,
>           Apparently when I installed OpenBabel 2.3.2, the additional
> directory and file(s) did not get installed. I have no OpenBabel
> directory in my ProgramData directory and no UFF.prm anywhere on my
> computer. How does one go about correcting this?
> All the best,
> Moshe
> *From:*Andreas Kempe [mailto:a.ke...@isd.uni-hannover.de]
> *Sent:* Friday, February 26, 2016 3:57 PM
> *To:* Moshe Ben-zion <moshe.ben-z...@biu.ac.il>;
> openbabel-disc...@lists.sf.net
> *Subject:* Re: [Open Babel] question regarding error messages and poor
> results
> obabel is looking for data files that contain atom definitions, force
> field parameters and so on.
> You need to set the enviroment variable BABEL_DATADIR either globally
> or in your batch file, e.g. add
> set BABEL_DATADIR=C:\ProgramData\OpenBabel-2.3.1\data
> The directory might be different on your system. So simply search for
> UFF.prm and set the variable accordingly.
> Best regards
> Andreas
> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Betreff: [Open Babel] question regarding error messages and poor results
> Von: Moshe Ben-zion <moshe.ben-z...@biu.ac.il>
> <mailto:moshe.ben-z...@biu.ac.il>
> An: openbabel-disc...@lists.sf.net
> <mailto:openbabel-disc...@lists.sf.net>
> <openbabel-disc...@lists.sf.net> <mailto:openbabel-disc...@lists.sf.net>
> Datum: 25.02.2016 11:23
>     I would greatly appreciate some help with my problem.
>     I am not a linux programmer and am using the obabel in a batch
>     file (or the Open Babel GUI) when I try to convert smi files to 3d
>     sdf format using Gen3d, I get a lot of error messages such as:
>     I tried to find an explanation in your forum but did not
>     understand what I found there.
>     In addition, the 3d coordinates were quite terrible for many of
>     the compounds that I calculated see attached file
>     Expected structure
>     Calculated structure
>     Thanks, advance for your help,
>     M. Ben-Tzion
>     Dr. Moshe Ben-Tzion
>     Department of Chemistry
>     Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 52900, Israel
>     e-mail: ben...@biu.ac.il <mailto:ben...@biu.ac.il>
>     Website: http://ch.biu.ac.il/bentzion
>     Tel: (03) 531-8305   Fax: 972-3-738-4053
>     Cell:(054) 660-3310   Beeper: 88341(610-6666)
>     =============================================
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>     And there was still nothing but you could see it better.
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