On 24/03/2015 05:05, Geoffrey Hutchison wrote:
> Please don't write to me directly. There are many other users and developers 
> and in most cases, your message will simply get buried in my e-mail box.

Thanks, I use obabel very occasionally, was not aware of the existence
of the mailing list.

> Without hydrogen atoms on the PDB file, the bond perception algorithm must 
> "guess" (i.e. perceive) bond orders.
> If you know something about the bonding topology, I would not use the PDB. A 
> quick search on Google turned up PubChem:
> https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/5288494?from=summary#section=3D-Conformer
> This gives SMILES:
> OC(=O)/C=C/c1ccc(/C(=C(/CC)\c2ccccc2)/c2ccccc2)cc1
> It seems perhaps you do not want stereochemical information?

Thanks again for the hint, will take a look at it.

Best regards, lina

> Best regards,
> -Geoff
>> On Mar 23, 2015, at 1:41 AM, zhao li na <zh...@bii.a-star.edu.sg> wrote:
>> Dear Geoff,
>> When I used obabel to convert either mol2 or pdb into smi format, the
>> generated smiles in not what I expected.
>> Here I attach an example,
>> the command I used is
>> obabel -ipdb 1R5K_ligand.pdb -osmi -O 1R5K_ligand.smi
>> I expect something like this.
>> ::::::::::::::
>> CCC(C(c1ccccc1)c1ccc(CCC(O)=O)cc1)c1ccccc1
>> But the output is something like this,
>> ::::::::::::::
>> CC[C@@H]([C@H](c1ccccc1)c1ccc(/C=C/C($O)$O)cc1)c1ccccc1      
>> THanks ahead for your suggestions,
>> Best regards, lina
>> <1R5K_ligand.pdb><1R5K_ligand_prot.mol2>


zhao li na

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