Hi Christian,


My approach to addressing this issue was to parse the SVG file using Python (it 
is an editable XML document) and move the atoms slightly.  I realize this is 
outside of OpenBabel but it could be helpful.




-          Lee-Ping


From: Christian Meisenbichler [mailto:chmb...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 7:30 AM
To: openbabel list
Subject: Re: [Open Babel] 2d SVG Label positions


I am sorry to ask again, but are there really no suggestions how to get rid of 
this label displacements? 





On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 9:40 AM, Christian Meisenbichler <chmb...@gmail.com> 

Dear babel list!


I am using babel to generate 2D structure pictures. It is working nicely for 
the most part. Babel is a remarkable project. However, I do have a problem that 
is haunting me.


Sometimes the position of the Atom labels is wrong. Not always, just sometimes 
but often enough to be annoying. I generate the svg from cml like so: 


babel -icml -osvg -xC


One molecule where I have this problem is: 001125a9.svg it was generated from 
001125a9c99911424defb45b6984e6cf53676e19 (2).cml. (attached files)

Some "Si" Labels are positioned nicely others are off by about one character 
width. I could not find a general rule for what causes this. Have you seen this 


Also for PNGs the problem persists:

Thank you!






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