Hi everyone,


Thanks for the suggestions – I realize that by starting with the SMILES string 
and not the 3D structure I might have caused some confusion.


My main goal is actually to draw the 2D representation from the 3D structure, 
attached again here (I’m a quantum chemist); the SMILES string is derived from 
the 3D structure and I think it’s correct, though I could be wrong about that.  


This is a more general problem – often I want to draw carbenes, radicals, and 
isolated atoms from the 3D structure where the hydrogens are there (though the 
octet rule may not be satisfied) – thus I don’t want the program to interpret 
the molecules chemically and fill in hydrogens that it thinks is missing.  I 
don’t think the OBMol object is adding any extra atoms because it corresponds 
to the 3D structure, but when I draw the SVG the extra hydrogens show up.  


Note that the added unnumbered hydrogens appear as “CH” rather than “C-H”, so 
they are different from the hydrogens that I explicitly added when creating the 
OBMol object from the 3D structure.


Noel: I do want explicit hydrogens to be displayed, but only the hydrogens that 
I explicitly have.  I don’t want carbon monoxide to be shown as O#CH since my 
starting point is the CO in the 3D structure.  


If you could point me to the correct file, I could write the code myself.  I’m 
a bit new to the code base so I might have some questions along the way.




-          Lee-Ping


From: Pascal Muller [mailto:pascal.jm.mul...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 3:03 AM
Cc: openbabel-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Open Babel] SVG draws unwanted extra hydrogens




For carbon monoxyde, try this smile: [C-]#[O+]




Attachment: coords.xyz
Description: Binary data

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