
sorry it took me so long, I got busy with other projects as well.
I've compiled and tested the latest development version and I got the expected 

  # Open Babel 2.3.90 (Git)
  $ ./obabel -:'F[C@H](Br)Cl' -s 'F[C@@H](Br)Cl' -osmi
  0 molecules converted

  # Open Babel 2.3.2 (Ubuntu)
  obabel -:'F[C@H](Br)Cl' -s 'F[C@@H](Br)Cl' -osmi
  1 molecule converted

I'm thinking to use this version in my code, then, unless you guys think it's 
recommendable (or there's an intermediate, more tested version I should rely 



On 07/09/2014 04:51 AM, Noel O'Boyle wrote:
> Try the development version (bit short on time myself right now). I'm pretty 
> sure I
> implemented this. A quick test is:
> obabel -:"'F[C@H](Br)Cl" -s "'F[C@@H](Br)Cl" -osmi
> ...should be "0 molecules converted"
> - Noel
> On 9 July 2014 00:16, Craig James < 
> <>>
> wrote:
>     On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Stefano Forli <
>     <>> wrote:
>         Hi all,
>         I'm having an issue with SMARTS pattern matching and chirality.
>         I'm trying to recognize one specific chiral configuration, but I get 
> unexpected
>         answers,
>         see the following example:
>         ------------------------------
>         #!/usr/bin/env python
>         import pybel
>         ob = pybel.ob
>         patterns = [ ('p1' , '[$(*[C@@H])]'),
>                        ('p2' , 'F[C@@H](Br)Cl'),
>                        ('p3' , '[$(*[C@H])]'),
>                        ('p4' , 'F[C@H](Br)Cl'),
>                      ]
>         $ python
>         Molecule F[C@H](Br)Cl ...
>         PATTERN p1 : [$(*[C@@H])] =>  [(1,), (3,), (4,), (5,)]
>         PATTERN p2 : F[C@@H](Br)Cl =>  [(1, 2, 4, 5)]
>         PATTERN p3 : [$(*[C@H])] =>  [(1,), (3,), (4,), (5,)]
>         PATTERN p4 : F[C@H](Br)Cl =>  [(1, 2, 4, 5)]
>         I would expect patterns p1 and p2 to return no matches, and p3 and p4 
> to succeed.
>     p1 and p3 should match all of the hetero atoms (1,3,4,5), and it does so 
> correctly.
>     The chiral spec is incomplete, which allows it to match anything. Think 
> of it this way:
>        p1: [$(*[C@@H](*)*)]
>        p3: F[C@@H](*)*
>     Written this way, you can see that p1 and p3 will both match either 
> stereo configuration.
>         Although, even carbon chirality is clearly the opposite in the 
> molecule and p1,
>         p2, the
>         script finds matches.
>     It should not match p2.
>     Craig
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  Stefano Forli, PhD

  Staff Scientist
  Molecular Graphics Laboratory
  Dept. of Integrative Structural
   and Computational Biology, MB-112F
  The Scripps Research Institute
  10550  North Torrey Pines Road
  La Jolla,  CA 92037-1000,  USA.

     tel: (858) 784-2055
     fax: (858) 784-2860

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