
  I've inherited a project that uses OpenBabel. The project is quite messy and needs a lot of organizing. Since it's written in a strange C/C++ hybrid, I want to modify it so that its code is modern C++ code. And by modern I hope to be able to use C++11.

  Unfortunately, I can't get OpenBabel to work with C++11. Compiling it on Visual Studio 2013 fails miserably - I have to use Visual Studio 2010 (which doesn't support C++11 too well). On OS X I'm facing the same problem, I need to compile OpenBabel with -stdlib=libstdc++, which means I need to compile my code with the same standard library. So both on OS X and on Windows I'm stuck with C++03.

  I'm using the latest stable release - 2.3.2.

  Does the bleeding edge version support C++11? Are there any plans to support it in the future?

  Thank you,
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