
> I would like Babel to have numbers in atom names when converting PDB to
> MOL2. For example, this is a real output:
>      45  C36        9.9680  -15.9360  -13.8330 C.3   100  AB1100
> -0.0362
>      46  C37       17.5010  -27.1690  -17.2360 C.3   100  AB1100
> -0.0214
>      47 H          19.5093  -27.3124  -16.5262 H     100  AB1100
> 0.0463
>      48 H          18.4112  -26.4295  -15.4641 H     100  AB1100
> 0.0463
>      49 H          15.7497  -26.3886  -18.1782 H     100  AB1100
> 0.0466
> and this is the output I want (I get this file by using PRODGR server):
>     79  C30         8.945   -15.719   -14.923   C.ar      1 AB1      -0.037
>     80  C36         9.968   -15.936   -13.833   C.3       1 AB1       0.114
>     81  H9Y         9.477   -16.349   -12.952   H         1 AB1      -0.021
>     82  H9Z        10.377   -14.943   -13.645   H         1 AB1      -0.021
>     83  H36        10.731   -16.631   -14.183   H         1 AB1      -0.021
> I want to get the atom names because when I run APBS to find the
> electrostatic potential, it finds that the H atoms are duplicated and
> doesn't include them on its calculation.
"H" is a good atom name for hydrogens in mol2 format, as far as I know, and
there is no reason to add numbers in the atom name, although such names
will still be correct.
I don't know APBS, but there is no reason to consider H atoms as

Anyway, for ligands, starting from pdb format is not a good idea, even with
PRODRG. You should find a better format (smiles, sdf, mol2) on e.g. the PDB

> Also, aren't that H atoms misalign? They should have two space after
> number line, not one.

If you mean the number of spaces between atom_id (e.g. 45 in your first
line) and atom_name (e.g. C36 in your first line), one space is enough if I
don't misunderstand the documentation:
http://www.tripos.com/data/support/mol2.pdf  (see page 12)

Otherwise, for modifing the atom names, I see two options: manually editing
the mol2 file, or doing it with a little script (using babel or not).

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