I've succeeded in building Chemistry::OpenBabel, but only with great
difficulty and a lot of random flailing around. I decided to go back and
take it step by step to figure out what is going on.
First, do the instructions on http://openbabel.org/wiki/Perl apply only to
tarball builds, or should they also apply to git checkout builds?
Second, OpenBabel.pm and openbabel-perl.cpp are present in
openbabel-2.3.2/scripts/perl on the 2.3.2 tarball, but are not present in
the 2.3.2 checkout for the git repository. I assumed that some other
process would automatically generate these files, I can't figure out what
would do that.
cmake -DPERL_BINDINGS=1 ..
Tells me I need to run -DRUN_SWIG.
cmake -DRUN_SWIG=1 ..
Doesn't seem to do anything.
Gives an error:
CMake Error at scripts/CMakeLists.txt:245 (add_custom_target):
add_custom_target cannot create target "bindings_perl" because another
target with the same name already exists. The existing target is a module
library created in source directory "/home/jjanes/openbabel/scripts". See
documentation for policy CMP0002 for more details.
What is the correct way to do this from a git checkout? Or should I start
figuring out the tarball build first?
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