Here is how to create 3 conformers starting from a SMILES string....

>obabel -L conformer
One of the ops
conformer    Conformer Searching (not displayed in GUI)
Typical usage: obabel -O outfile.yy --conformer --nconf
 options:             description
 --log            output a log of the energies (default = no log)
 --nconf #        number of conformers to generate
 forcefield based methods for finding stable conformers:
 --systematic     systematically generate all conformers
 --random         randomly generate conformers
 --weighted       weighted rotor search for lowest energy conformer
 --ff #           select a forcefield (default = MMFF94)
 genetic algorithm based methods (default):
 --children #     number of children to generate for each parent (default =
 --mutability #   mutation frequency (default = 5)
 --converge #     number of identical generations before convergence is
 --score #        scoring function [rmsd|energy] (default = rmsd)

C:\Temp>obabel -:CC(CC)CC(=O)Cl -O tmp.mol --gen3d
1 molecule converted

C:\Temp>obabel tmp.mol --conformer -O tmp.sdf --nconf 3 --writeconformers
... random text ...
1 molecule converted

C:\Temp>obabel tmp.sdf -osmi
3 molecules converted

On 9 May 2014 10:30, Chris Swain <> wrote:

> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 05:45:46 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Douglas Houston <>
> Subject: Re: [Open Babel] Generating a diverse set of conformers
> To:
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> So I've recompiled obabel with eigen, but the output of obabel -L ops has
> not
> changed:
> 0xout    <> Additional file output
> addfilename    Append input filename to title
> AddInIndex    Append input index to title
> AddPolarH    Adds hydrogen to polar atoms only
> canonical    Canonicalize the atom order
> energy    ForceField Energy Evaluation (not displayed in GUI)
> fillUC     Fill the unit cell (strict or keepconnect)
> gen2D    Generate 2D coordinates
> gen3D    Generate 3D coordinates
> largest    # <descr> Output # mols with largest values
> minimize    ForceField Energy Minimization (not displayed in GUI)
> partialcharge    <method> Calculate partial charges by specified method
> readconformer    Adjacent conformers combined into a single molecule
> s    Isomorphism filter(-s, -v options replacement)(not displayed in GUI)
> smallest    # <descr> Output # mols with smallest values of descriptor(not
> displayed in GUI)
> sort    <desc> Sort by descriptor(~desc for reverse)
> unique    [param] remove duplicates by descriptor;default inchi
> v    Isomorphism filter(-s, -v options replacement)(not displayed in GUI)
> obabel still writes only 1 conformer (with no error messages) no matter the
> options I use.
> I think this is the expected result. The obconformer tool can be used as
> part of a conformational study by generating random conformers using a
> Monte Carlo search. The best conformer out of the batch of conformers will
> be output, after taking the supplied number of geometry optimization steps.
> By default, obconformer uses the MMFF94 <> 
> force
> field.
> So to generate the best conformer (out of 250) of baseconformer.sdf and
> write it to rotamer1.sdf after 100 geometry optimization steps:
>   obconformer 250 100 baseconformer.sdf >conformer.sdf
> The output is a single conformation
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