I have the problem with clang 5.0.0 on Mac OS X 10.9.1 Mavericks.
There is no problem with clang 4.2.0 on Mac OS X 10.7.5 Lion.


On 13 Jan 2014, at 20:26, Noel O'Boyle <baoille...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is this a problem only a problem with clang?
> - Noel
> On 13 January 2014 12:43, Matt Swain <mattswain...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This problem with plugins loaded from the plugindefines.txt has been causing 
>> issues for me too, mainly when pybel sporadically complains that the list of 
>> descriptors is garbage.
>> I've tried tracking it down, without much success. It seems to be a problem 
>> with all plugins that are loaded from a file using OBDefine in loader.cpp, 
>> not just the SMARTS descriptors. (Also, the SMARTS descriptors loaded 
>> manually at the end of smartsdescriptors.cpp look fine to me.)
>> I think the problem is to do with plugins using const char* pointers for the 
>> ID, description etc. These pointers are created from std::strings using 
>> .c_str() in MakeInstance, and I think maybe the original string is being 
>> destroyed or going out of scope, hence the char* pointer becomes garbage. 
>> The only problem is, as far as I can tell, loader.cpp looks after the 
>> strings just fine so they shouldn't be destroyed.
>> In loader.cpp, OBDefine reads the relevant strings from plugindefines.txt, 
>> then copies them into a private member vector _text, to ensure they stay 
>> around for the lifetime of the OBDefine instance. The strings in _text are 
>> then used to call MakeInstance on SmartsDescriptor, PatternFP, 
>> CompoundFilter, etc. which uses c_str() to create a pointer to the string in 
>> memory. Right after the descriptors are created, accessing GetID() returns 
>> it fine. But at some later point this becomes garbage, even when the 
>> OBDefine instance is still around and the strings in OBDefine's _text are 
>> still completely fine.
>> If the original string hasn't been destroyed, one other thing that could 
>> invalidate the c_str() result is if a non-const member function of the 
>> string is called. I can't see this happening anywhere either though.
>> Matt
>> On 2 Jan 2014, at 21:32, Geoffrey Hutchison <geoff.hutchi...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>>> Can you figure out a minimal plugindefines.txt that still causes the 
>>>> problem?
>>> Good point. I'm now seeing that the main issue is with SMARTS descriptors. 
>>> I'll see if I can find the problems later tonight.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Geoff
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