It does to me in the sense that I am think of assigning R and S - not
other labels - in a correct manner according to the CIP rules. Why do
I want to do that and not @/@@? Well because that how we do it. @/@@
it is useful for database search etc but we don’t use it in the
classroom or in the seminars, in no place at all!

Clearly I made a mistake in trying to help Dimitri with the chemistry.

Good luck!

On 4 December 2013 00:00, Craig James <> wrote:
> Hi Yoel,
> On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 7:44 PM, Yoel <> wrote:
>> Hum! I’m pretty confident with what I know but the issue here is that
>> you answer isn’t contributing to clarifying the question. The question
>> is how to we determine the chirality of a centre regardless of how you
>> may choose to represent it at a later point. And this problem
>> inevitable will come down to applying the CIP rules. Do you disagree
>> with that?
> In addition to what Geoff said, I'll add this.  You're distinguishing the
> chirality from the representation, but in fact CIF rules are only useful for
> the purpose of a representation.  CIF allows you to say "R" or "S".  SMILES
> rules allow you to say "@" or "@@".  A 3D file format doesn't need concepts
> like R/S or @/@@ because the stereo configuration is specified by the
> coordinates.
> The concept of "chiral" is separate from representation.  A chiral
> molecule's mirror image is different from the molecule.  But the concept of
> "chirality" only applies to representations -- usually lexical or
> mathematical (graph) representations.  So to ask, "how do we determine the
> chirality of a centre regardless of the representation?" doesn't even make
> sense.
> Cheers,
> Craig

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