Final update: The perl bindings also work fine with this build. I only had to 
update PERL5LIB to get going.


On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 11:40 PM, Anil Kumar <> wrote:
Dear Dr. Hutchsison,

I was able to compile  .../ which you pointed out. Thank you. 

Further, this is what worked for me --  As mentioned in the compile page I had 
to explicitly use: 

 Finally, I had to turn off GUI ( even though I did have wxWidget pre-reqs).
I did not pursue that too much since I do not need the GUI functionality, maybe 
its an easy fix.

Again, I appreciate your response,

Anil Kumar

On Monday, November 4, 2013 10:17 PM, Geoffrey Hutchison 
<> wrote:
My suggestion would be to compile from the development "master". You can 
download the source code through GitHub from here:

I believe this has been fixed. It would be helpful to know as we move towards a 
2.3.3. bug-fix release.

Thanks very much,
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