$ grep append `/usr/bin/find . | grep .cpp`
./src/transform.cpp:    itr = pOptions->find("append"); //Appends values of desc
riptors or properties to title
./src/transform.cpp:"--append <list> Append properties or descriptors in list to

We're on github if you want to submit a patch for review. Better be
quick though before Chris fixes it! :-)

- Noel

On 15 July 2013 22:27, Jeff Janes <jeff.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have an sdf file which has a property that is sometimes multiple lines.
> When I try to output that property in the title, something very
> strange happens.  The title for the first molecule with a multi-lined
> property gets memorized, and then that title gets output for all
> subsequent molecules which also have a multi-lined property.
> I don't know what should happen with multiple line properties, but
> surely it is not this. :)
> The attempted behavior of joining the lines with a space seems like a
> reasonable behavior, but then it should do that for every molecule,
> not replace the title of subsequent molecules with the title of the
> first afflicted molecule.
> I've constructed a sdf file, attached, to demonstrate this.
> obabel -isdf obabel_test.sdf -ocan --append '  foo1    foo2'
> C       1       A
> CC      2       B B
> CCC     3       C
> CCCC    2       B B
> CCCCC   5       E
> CCCCCC  6       F
> The title for butane should be "4 D D", not "2 B B"
> This is version 2.3.2.
> Any idea what is going on?  If I want to dig into the source code
> myself, where should I start?
> Cheers,
> Jeff
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