On 05/07/2013 17:54, Brett T. Hannigan wrote:
> I have a database of molecules in pdb files.  I'd like to go through 
> each molecule and see if it has certain substructures, and if they do 
> identify which atoms are part of that substructure.  So it's easy 
> enough to read the pdb file in, convert it to SMILES representation, 
> and then do a SMARTS query to look for my substructures.  However, if 
> the SMARTS query reports that the substructure is present in the 
> molecule, I'm not sure how to identify the atoms in the pdb file which make 
> up the match.
>   Any ideas?

I would suggest that you can browser the ligand-expo service provided by PDB 
and download the smiles or 3D structures of small molecules 

Lirong Wang, PhD
School of Pharmacy
University of Pittsburgh

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