Sorry - I misunderstood. atom.isotope is already there; just the
ability to set it is not...

On 5 June 2013 20:48, Noel O'Boyle <> wrote:
> Sounds good Geoff.
> Regarding atom.isotope and others, just to note that Pybel is not
> intended to wrap all of Open Babel's functionality but just the most
> common (although it also wraps stuff that is awkward to use otherwise,
> e.g. unitcell). A small API makes it easy to use. Where to draw the
> line is of course up for debate, but this is worth keeping in mind.
> - Noel
> On 5 June 2013 18:08, Dimitri Maziuk <> wrote:
>> On 06/05/2013 10:48 AM, Geoffrey Hutchison wrote:
>>>> etab = ob.OBElementTable()
>>>> etab.GetSymbol(6)
>>> Although I can see some benefit for Pybel to have a wrapper to
>>> handle
>> something like atom.element and hide all this in something more "Pythonic".
>>> (Noel, would you let me try doing this?)
>> While you're at it & if you feel like it, things like
>> atom.isotope = property( OBAtom.GetIsotope(), OBAtom.SetIsotope() )
>> (not to be taken literally, obviously ;) would be more "pythonic", too.
>> --
>> Dimitri Maziuk
>> Programmer/sysadmin
>> BioMagResBank, UW-Madison --
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