Good morning.

I have a C++ program which makes calls to the OpenBabel library.
Just wonder how can I compile it under Windows 7? I've already 
got OpenBabel-2.3.2 installed and have checked that the basic 
commands work. I am basically looking for something like the
"How to compile against the Open Babel library" section at
but one which refers to the Microsoft Visual C++ studio (MSVC)
instead of to a unix-like environment.

Actually I've managed to set up a project in MSVC. I think I've
managed to add to the "include" path by:
  Right clicking on the project name in "Solution Explorer" and
  choose "References ..." to bring up the project's
  "Property Pages", then on the left window choose
  "Configuration Properties" >> "C/C++" >> "General", then
  edit the first entry which is "Additional Include Directories".
However, I have not figured out how to refer to the dll (I suppose
it is the openbabel-2.dll ?) on MSVC. How can I refer to the dll
in MSVC?

Many thanks for your help!

Ling Chan

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