On 30/11/2012 12:03, scott_m wrote:
> Dear all,
> The conversion of (S)-3-carboxy-2-(imidazol-3-ium-1-yl)propanoate from a
> .cif file to .smi and subsequent generation of coordinates from the .smi
> file results in the addition of an extra H to one of the ring C atoms. The
> original cif formula is C7H8N2O4 but this changes to C7H9N2O4, which is no
> longer a zwitterion.
> I also noticed that converting an ion to smi and then from smi to xyz
> resulted in the addition of hydrogen atoms. Can this be avoided?
> Is the smi conversion of ions and zwitterions known to cause problems?

Getting added hydrogens right is a recurrent issue. However the 
conversion from SMILES to xyz (and other formats) seems ok. Your problem 
may be in the conversion of the cif file, but you will need to append it 
for somebody (probably not me) to debug.

  obabel -:"C(=O)(O)C[C@@H](C(=O)[O-])n1c[nH+]cc1 
(S)-3-carboxy-2-(imidazol-3-ium-1-yl)propanoate" -oxyz  --gen3D --title ""
  --append formula
C          2.45602        0.70570        1.56344
O          3.44592        0.48586        2.25208
O          1.43656        1.46670        2.00415
C          2.26356        0.11437        0.19030
C          3.14546        0.74947       -0.88078
H          2.84831        0.31396       -1.84634
C          2.83038        2.27406       -0.99631
O          1.67090        2.60592       -0.61087
O          3.79441        2.97728       -1.40748
N          4.60137        0.42805       -0.71225
C          5.35900        0.94762        0.25841
N          6.58789        0.46124        0.10334
H          7.33992        0.61660        0.75954
C          6.69161       -0.15933       -1.12882
C          5.43119       -0.14873       -1.66026
H          0.84536        1.76580        1.27272
H          1.20439        0.19509       -0.08254
H          2.46795       -0.95767        0.27113
H          5.04774        1.61643        1.05753
H          7.65241       -0.48371       -1.46628
H          5.01646       -0.45579       -2.60586
1 molecule converted


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