Dear Prasun,

Le 16 nov. 2012 à 05:20, prasun kumar a écrit :

> Hi all
> I am using OpenBabel for generating symmetry mates for BERZON.cif (file 
> attached). It is having C 2m symmetry. I should get 8 equivalent points, but 
> getting only 5. Can some body please help me. 

        All your atoms are in the y=0 plane, i.e. on a special position in C2/m 
so each atom would only give 4 symmetrics in the unit cell. You probably get 5 
because you'd also get the translated atoms at y=1 (I have not tried).

Vincent Favre-Nicolin          

CEA/Grenoble              Institut Nanosciences & Cryogénie
Laboratoire SP2M/Nano-structures et Rayonnement Synchrotron
17, rue des Martyrs
38054 Grenoble Cedex 9 - France

Université Joseph Fourier

tél: (+33) 4 38 78 95 40           fax: (+33) 4 38 78 51 38

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