Sorry for posting this twice. This was already answered on 04/10/12.

-----Original Message-----
From: chjjmp [] 
Sent: 04 October 2012 12:04
Subject: [Open Babel] Splitting multimol2 file with OpenBabel without changing 
bond types?


I am using OpenBabel to split a multimol2 file into separate mol2 files (i.e. 
one mol2 file per compound). I use the following command:

babel my_ligands.mol2 ligandPart.mol2 -m

such that each single ligand mol2 file will be called ligandPart1.mol2, 
ligandPart2.mol2, etc

The issue is that for some compounds, I have noticed that some bond types have 
been changed in the process, particularly aromatic bonds appearing where there 
should not be any. 

Is there another option to add to the command above that would tell OpenBabel 
not to modify the bond types?

Thank you in advance for any help!


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