
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 7:22 PM, Alessandro Nascimento
<al.s.nascime...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi OB folks,
> I am brand new to OpenBabel and I`m trying to learn how to use the
> conformerSearch in OB. However, I am finding some odd results and
> would like to hear from you about hints on how to generate multiple
> conformers using OB.
> Below there is a piece of my C++ code. The code compiles fine.
> However, I get a message indicating that my initial conformer does not
> pass the filter. I took a look in OB documentation about the filters
> in ConformerSearch and could not find clues on how to handle this
> situation.

You should minimize the molecule first.

> I am not sure if the problem is related to the molecule or
> to the file format (I am using a MOL2 file downloaded from ZINC).

The file format should not matter.

> So, some questions: The conformerSearch API requires a mol2 file
> with/without hydrogens? Can the filter parameters be changed?

It requires hydrogens since the forcefields need explicit hydrogens.

> Just to clarify, I also tried to use the WeightedRotorSearch and this
> method could not generate any conformer as well. Any clues?
> The output:
> Initial conformer does not pass filter!
> Initial conformer count: 0
> Generation #1  0
> Generation #2  NaN
> Generation #3  NaN
> Generation #4  NaN
> Generation #5  NaN
> Generation #6  NaN
> Generation #7  NaN
> Generation #8  NaN
> Generation #9  NaN
> Generation #10  NaN
> ..
> Code piece:
> #################################################################
>         OBconv = new OBConversion;
>         OBmol = new OBMol;
> // Supressing OpenBabel warning messages
>         messageHandler = new OBMessageHandler;
>         messageHandler->SetOutputLevel(obError);
>         OpenBabel::obErrorLog = *messageHandler;
>         OBconv->SetInAndOutFormats("mol2", "mol2");
>         bool file_read = OBconv->ReadFile(OBmol, molfile);
>         if (!file_read){
>                 printf("Could not open file %s for reading.\n", 
> molfile.c_str());
>                 exit(1);
>         }
> //Checking...
> //      printf("Number of atoms:  %d.\n", OBmol->NumAtoms());
> //      printf("Number of rotors: %d.\n", OBmol->NumRotors());
> //      printf("Number of Heavy atoms:  %d.\n", OBmol->NumHvyAtoms());
> //      printf("Total charge: %d.\n", OBmol->GetTotalCharge());
> //      printf("Automatic Partial Charge? %d\n",
> OBmol->HasPartialChargesPerceived());
>         double total=0.00;
>         FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(atom, OBmol){
>                 total+=atom->GetPartialCharge();
>         }
>         printf("Total charge: %5.2f\n", total);
>         OBmol->SetTotalCharge(int(total));
>         printf("OBMol charge: %d\n", OBmol->GetTotalCharge());
>         OBconf = new OBConformerSearch;
>         OBconf->Setup(*OBmol, 30, 5, 5, 25);
>         OBconf->Search();
>         OBconf->GetConformers(*OBmol);
>         printf("Number of conformers: %d.\n", OBmol->NumConformers());
>         OBmol->SetConformer(1);
>         OBconv->WriteFile(OBmol, "test.mol2");
> ##########################################################################
> --
> [ ]s
> --alessandro
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