On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 6:40 PM, Chris Swain <sw...@mac.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the input Geoff.
> The example I saw was a proprietary similarity search, I've no idea if a 
> similar increase is speed would be possible for fastsearch?

I'm currently working on improving the algorithm for fastsearch like
operations using various tree data structures.AFAIK OB checks all
fingerprints in a list one by one so there is much room for

> Cheers,
> Chris
> On 12 Jul 2012, at 13:16, Geoff Hutchison wrote:
>>> I've just seen a demo of the impact of running applications on the GPU and 
>>> it does seem for some operations you can get striking performance gains. 
>>> Would it be worth considering porting openbabel to OpenCL?
>> Much like muti-threading, it's not clear how some operations in Open Babel 
>> would work in OpenCL. For example, for file import/export, you're limited by 
>> disk speeds. (Indeed, I get much better performance keeping data in memory 
>> or on a very fast SSD drive.)
>> That said, there are certain types of code which make clear sense as 
>> multi-threaded and/or OpenCL, for example the force fields and conformer 
>> generation code, or the charge assignment. There's actually a student in 
>> Ireland sponsored by Noel who's investigating this as we speak. (You may 
>> have seen some posts from Omar already.)
>> Other performance improvements will come more from general algorithmic 
>> changes, e.g., not using SSSR so heavily, or reworking the Kekule assignment 
>> code.
>> Hope that helps,
>> -Geoff
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