Hi Geoff,

Thanks for the response. Is it not possible to rotate the molecule into the 
correct frame once you have determined its point group? 



On 12 Jul 2012, at 13:12, Geoff Hutchison wrote:

>> I've recently been writing some code to automatically write GAMESS input 
>> files for me. As these files require a point group it would be advantageous 
>> to determine this automatically from a geometry. Unfortunately I'm having 
>> some difficulty accessing the OBPointGroup class with the python bindings. 
>> I'm not sure if this is a problem with how i'm trying to access the class or 
>> a bug in the python bindings. I would greatly appreciate any help or advise 
>> you can offer.
> It's simple enough to add the OBPointGroup to the python bindings, but it 
> won't be enough.  I'd also like to see GAMESS input files with automatic 
> point groups.
> The problem is that GAMESS expects a particular frame of reference once 
> you've specified, say C2V, and also expects only the symmetry-unique atoms. 
> The OBPointGroup code is not yet at that level of sophistication. (Indeed, I 
> think I may need to use a different implementation that was given to me -- 
> I'm happy if someone wants to adapt it.)
> Sorry I can't be more help,
> -Geoff

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