On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:03 PM, Noel O'Boyle <baoille...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> run two instances of OBForceFieldMMFF94 are being created. I would
>>>> like
>>>> to understand why is that, because I thought only one was necessary
>>>> and
>>>> therefore I am confused about this.
>>> I don't know. You'd need to run a debugger or something like Valgrind
>>> to figure out what part of the code is creating each instance. In
>>> this
>>> particular code, only one instance should be created.
>> Yes. That's also what I thought and that's the reason why I asked you.
>> I created an static variable in OBForceFieldMMFF94 to count how many
>> times the class is being instantiated and I found it was two every time.
>> Either when running obminimize or the ctest for mmff94.  I will try the
>> debugger and see if I can figure out what is going on.
> Is this because of the use of a templated class? There is one version
> with <true> and one with <false> or something like this.

The reason for this is probably because there is an instance for
MMFF94 and one for MMFF94s.


> - Noel
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