O , 2012-05-01 17:18 +0100, Scott McKechnie rakstīja:
> To whom it may concern,
> I am having problems when trying to convert files. I am trying to convert a
> .sdf file to a gaussian input file .com:
> babel opt.sdf opt.com
> babel: cannot write output format!
> Open Babel 2.3.1 -- May  1 2012 -- 16:34:16
> Usage: babel [-i<input-type>] <name> [-o<output-type>] <name>
> Try  -H option for more information.
> I keep getting the above error and I have tried different files and
> different conversions, none seem to be working. I installed open babel
> today with the command:
> cmake ../openbabel-2.3.1 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/scratch/jsm78/
> make && make install
> Some basic command results:
> which babel
> /scratch/jsm78/bin/babel
> babel -V
> Open Babel 2.3.1 -- May  1 2012 -- 16:34:16
> System details:
> Distributor ID: SUSE LINUX
> Description:    openSUSE 11.4 (x86_64)
> Release:        11.4
> Codename:       Celadon
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Check if OB finds your desired format:
$ babel -Hcom
com  Gaussian 98/03 Input
Write Options e.g. -xk
  b               Output includes bonds
  k  "keywords" Use the specified keywords for input
  f    <file>     Read the file specified for input keywords
  u               Write the crystallographic unit cell, if present.

 This format is Write-only
Specification at: http://www.gaussian.com/g_ur/m_input.htm

If it doesn't print the help message, but complains that format is not
found (since you have installed in a non-standart place), then you have
to tell it where to look for the plugins. Set environment variables for
it as described in manual:

I have an alias for them in my .bash_profile, so when I want to run OB
from its build dir I'm just prefixing the command with obpath.


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