Hi Geoff,

Thank you.  I think you're right that obrotate would be better suited to my 
needs if I removed the SMARTS matching feature.  I can hack the .cpp myself and 
include an option for users to choose whether to use a SMARTS pattern or the 
existing atom numbers in the .xyz file.


- Lee-Ping

----- Original Message -----
From: "Geoffrey Hutchison" <geo...@pitt.edu>
To: "Lee-Ping Wang" <leep...@stanford.edu>
Cc: openbabel-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 6:15:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Open Babel] Questionable behavior in obrotate (or babel)

> I believe that 'obrotate' is determining the atom numbers from the SMART 
> pattern, and this becomes a problem when the atom numbers in 'obrotate' don't 
> match the atom numbers from the XYZ generated by babel.  In the first example 
> (isoleucine), there are two explicit hydrogens that obrotate is not counting. 
>  In the second example, there are two identical CH3 groups; 'obrotate' will 
> rotate the second one even though I explicitly specified the first one.

I apologize no one else responded to your message, I've been a bit busy 
finishing off the semester!

> I am able to work around this manually by trial and error and 'guessing' 
> which atom numbers are requested by 'obrotate', but I think it would be much 
> more straightforward if the atom numbers could be taken from the XYZ file and 
> not determined from the SMART pattern.  If the atom numbers must be 
> determined from the SMART pattern, then it should be done in a manner 
> consistent with the numbering scheme in 'babel'.

If I understand, you actually really want a tool which changes the torsion of a 
set of bonded atoms defined by atom numbers you supply -- you really don't care 
about the SMARTS matching feature of obrotate at all, correct?

If so, I'd suggest you just hack obrotate.cpp to your needs. I don't have time 
tonight, but it's not a huge ordeal.


Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison
Department of Chemistry
University of Pittsburgh
tel: (412) 648-0492
email: geo...@pitt.edu
web: http://hutchison.chem.pitt.edu/

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