Hi all,

I'm using Open Babel 2.3.1 running on a GNU/Linux OS.

I used to work with molecules DB in SMILES format. Normally with obabel you
can remove counter-ions (with the flag '-r', which remove all but the
largest contiguous fragment) with the following command:

/obabel -ismi file.smi -r -osmi -O file_out.smi/

Unfortunately I found that obabel crashes when try to remove counter-ions
from certain molecules. I attached 2 files each containing 2 molecules
/smilesPROBLEM.smi/ & /smilesOK.smi/. The first molecule of
/smilesPROBLEM.smi/ is that which cause the problem.

I don't know why that molecule is problematic to obabel, while the first
molecule of  /smilesOK.smi/ (which is similar), is not problematic. Anyway
here *the real problem is that the program crashes* on that molecule. This
means that a part from the problematic molecule itself, *in the output file
you will miss all those compounds which follow a certain problematic
molecule.* So if you're processing a DB of 1,000 molecules of which the
third is problematic, you will obtain just 2 molecules, missing the rest

Please, does anybody know a way to circumvent this problem without write an
ad-hoc external script? Bypassing the problematic molecules and making
obabel converting the rest of compounds, will be fine.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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