
Pada Rab, 4 Apr 2012 18:04 ICT Pascal Muller-3 [via Open Babel] menulis:

>> I've just released PyPLIF , a Python-based
>> Protein-Ligand Interaction Fingerprinting which is using Open Babel library.
>Great - I've been using the Marcou's C++ program. Works fine.
>I don't use it so often, but I'll look at your version and try it when
>I have some time - I'm not a good programmer, but it's, as you said,
>much easier for me with python...
>I personnaly use Surflex or Flexx outpout (actually only site.mol2 +
>Were you able to reproduce the results from the Marcou's paper?
>What do you think of an additionnal score for comparing new ligands to
>the reference? Let's say the reference has 2 interactions, and that
>you have a new ligand with exactly the same 2 interactions and a third
>interaction: this ligand would have a lower tanimoto score, but it
>would be interesting to know that all reference interactions are still
>And what about giving different weights to different types of
>interaction? E.g. 2 reference interactions: one H-bond and one
>hydrophobic. One ligand with only the H bond. One other ligand with
>only the hydrophobic contact. Same tanimoto coefficient for the 2
>ligands. But in my opinion the ligand with the polar interaction would
>be more interesting. Any thought about that?
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