Brilliant, many thanks for this Chris.
Two further questions:

- Will this change be released with the next version of open babel?
- How do you make your molecules in a grid like in your attached example?

Many Thanks,

Jean-Paul Ebejer
Early Stage Researcher

On 19 November 2011 14:05, Chris Morley <> wrote:

> On 11/11/2011 09:38, JP wrote:
>> Is it possible to have a transparent background (or user specified) when
>> converting to an svg?
>> The choice of black and white looks very arbitrary.
> Well, minimalist. So to bring some color back to your life, in the
> development code you can now specify the background color by name or rgb:
> -xb yellow, or -xb #ccff00, or -xb none (transparent). Just -xb is as
> before, white on black. -xB similarly specifies the bond color.
> With multiple molecules, the -xh option highlights those which meet a
> condition in its parameter. This is the same as in the --filter option
> babel.html#filtering-**molecules-from-a-**multimolecule-file<>and
>  is constructed from descriptors and properties. The highlight color is
> an optional second parameter. The svg file at 
> made by:
>   obabel chembl_02.sdf.gz -O out.svg -xh !L5 -xl -l64
> and displays the first 64 molecules in a grid, with those not meeting the
> Lipinski Rule of Five highlighted.
> Chris
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