See , which says that  the first 
character in the parameter of append is used as a delimiter between the 
entries. However getting this to work with a tab seems a bit 
problematical although this is platform dependent. Excel will also work 
with delimiters other than tab. 


On 19/10/2011 10:18, Fredrik Wallner wrote:
> Hi,
> The closest I can find is the following:
> obabel file.sdf -O out.smi --title "" --append name MW
> That is under the presumption that the SDF fields are named name and MW, and 
> that the title of the compound doesn't contain the name (in which case the 
> options only would be --append MW).
> The problem is that the result is not tab delimited, but instead has the 
> format SMILES[tab]name[SPACE]MW, but if your names doesn't contain spaces it 
> can easily be fixed upon import. To create a truly tab-delimited file I think 
> you need to resort to using pybel.
> Kind regards,
> Fredrik
> 18 okt 2011 kl. 16:35 skrev Paul Jones:
>> Hi,
>> I have an SDF file that has the chemical structure (in MOL), MW and
>> name. Is it possible to use Openbabel to generate a tabe delimited txt
>> file with the Smiles string followed by the Name and MW? The ultimate
>> goal is to put the data in to Excel.
>> Thanks
>> paul
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