After checking this some more, I found this
and saw that it should work for OB as it is returning a const
reference to a std::string:
const std::string& GetSMARTS() const

The problem is that this seems to be shadowed by the non-const version
which is also there. Once I made a change to the header file, it seems
to pick up on the const version fine:

>>> import pybel
>>> print pybel.Smarts("CC").obsmarts.GetSMARTS()

If you want to see the details of what I changed, go to

- Noel

On 26 September 2011 17:32, Mingyue Zheng <> wrote:
> Ok, the script I pasted is just an example and meaningless. I just want to 
> know if there is any convenient way to unwrap a swig object like that, 
> without changing the API.
> Thanks for your reply.
> 2011-09-27
> ------------------------------------------------
> Mingyue Zheng, Ph.D.
> Drug Discovery and Design Center (DDDC)
> Box 1201, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica.
> No. 555 Rd. Zuchongzhi, Shanghai, China
> Tel:   86-021-50806600-1308
> Email:
> ------------------------------------------------
> FROM:Noel O'Boyle
> DATE:2011-09-27 00:10:51
> TO:Mingyue Zheng
> CC:openbabel-discuss
> SUBJECT:Re: [Open Babel] Fw: Interfacing C/C++ and Python with
> Is there a reason you need to call GetString()? I would recommend that
> you work around the problem by storing the strings in the Python
> script along with the corresponding OBSmartsPattern?
> The underlying problem is that pointers to objects are not wrapped by
> the code. This is most easily fixed by changing the API. However, I
> don't like to do this if the problem can be worked around by the user.
> - Noel
> On 26 September 2011 16:59, Mingyue Zheng <> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> provides an interface to use python scripts to call C/C++ 
>> functions of open babel,
>>  in which C built-in datatypes are mapped into the closest Python equivalent.
>> for example:
>> int, long, short <---> Python integers.
>> float, double <---> Python floats
>> char, char * <---> Python strings.
>> However, if a C++ function returns a variable with other datatypes, for 
>> example: std:string, How can we deal with that?
>> Below is an example:
>>>>import openbabel as ob
>>>>print pat_str
>> Since the function GetSMARTS() returns a std::string,
>>  the printed result is not "c1ccccc1",
>>  but a swig object like sth below:
>> "_20748c03_p_std__string"
>> <Swig Object of type 'std::string *' at 0x03957AD0>
>> Does anyone know how to deal with this problem?
>> 2011-09-26
>> ------------------------------------------------
>> Mingyue Zheng, Ph.D.
>> Drug Discovery and Design Center (DDDC)
>> Box 1201, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica.
>> No. 555 Rd. Zuchongzhi, Shanghai, China
>> Tel:   86-021-50806600-1308
>> Email:
>> ------------------------------------------------
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