Hi there @OpenBabel and Greg

I am using OpenBabel 2.3.0 and RDKit 201009 release and trying to get them
if not work together at least live peacefully :)

So I have a mol file coming from the pdb Astex Diverse Set (1hww.mol).  I
convert this to a smiles string using Openbabel

babel -xn 1hww.mol 1hww.smiles

(since I do not want to generate the name).  I get the attached smiles file
- [...@h]1(O)[...@h]2[n@H](CCC1)C[C@@H](O)[...@h]2o

When I try to load this using RDKit (i.e. AllChem.MolFromSmiles(smiles))  I

[19:04:57] Explicit valence for atom # 3 N, 4, is greater than permitted

If I copy the isomeric smiles (openeye)
in the file instead of the openbabel generated smiles RDKit works fine...
This is probably a simple chemistry problem, but I am a CS guy so please
bear with me.

Now my question is: Who is the culprit? (select one)

a) No-one - The mol file is incorrect (but then again, why does Openbabel
read it with an error message?  Still I can read this directly through
b) Openbabel - it is generating an incorrect smiles string (and ideally this
is now fixed and available in 2.3.1 :) )
c) RDkit - The smiles is perfectly fine, please redirect your query
d) None of the above, the OS/hardware is playing tricks on you

I appreciate any help and any light you can shed.


PS These two frameworks are really great!! well done everyone!!

Attachment: 1hww.mol
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 1hww.smiles
Description: Binary data

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