On 7 October 2010 10:19, Jean-Paul Ebejer <jeanpaul.ebe...@inhibox.com> wrote:
> Hi there @OpenBabel,
> First of all well done for this brilliant piece of (free) software.
> Secondly I am trying to determine the release date for OpenBabel 2.3 (I have
> looked in previous posts and on the website, without much success, even if
> the indication is close to end of summer [2010]).  I
> found http://openbabel.org/wiki/Version_2.3_Projects (which is not the
> easiest page to fall on) and there are some interesting new additions.

I can't speak for Geoff (Geoff is the release manager and lead
developer), but my understanding is that no fixed date has been set -
instead, Open Babel may be released within the next month - the exact
date is dependent upon the time to takes to fix the final bugs.

> Also, and this is mostly what I need the new version for, will confab be
> part of this release [2.3]?  Also what are the differences between
> Obconformer and Confab - from what I can see they both generate conformers
> right?

I can speak for Confab, though. Confab will not be included in 2.3. It
has some additional dependencies, and a few new classes that didn't
make it into 2.3, and so requires a separate release, at least for the
forseeable future. I think obconformer generates just a single low
energy conformer (though I'm not 100% sure).

> Many Thanks,
> JP
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