Oliver Sander <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|WAITINGFORINFO              |NOT A BUG
             Status|NEEDSINFO                   |RESOLVED

--- Comment #6 from Oliver Sander <> ---
* Is there a way to set the default to "original size"?

Not as far as I know. That would certainly be helpful, and likely not difficult
to code.

* Wouldn't a user expect a PDF with margins already at least as wide as the
printers (e.g. created with a word processor) to be printed as is, without it
being scaled down unnecessarily (in this case)?

I have no strong opinion on this.

I am closing this bug report.  You may open a wishlist bug about being able to
change the default (or make the print dialog remember your previous settings),
but I'm pretty such a bug report exists already.

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