
           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|REOPENED                    |NEEDSINFO
         Resolution|---                         |NOT A BUG

--- Comment #4 from ---
> (Joplin, Zotero, Typora as desktop editors, or websites such as popular 
> software forges) are actually following as a base a common spec called 
> CommonMark (sometimes referred-to as "Github-flavoured"). It seems to me 
> relatively widespread, even if not the unique path as you demonstrated.

After further research, the CommonMark spec alone is not enough to cover that
linebreak issue, as show this page: ("CommonMark
strict" does not convert newlines in paragraphs as linebreaks, but checking the
extra feature "breaks" would do it). In the section dedicated to soft and hard
breaks, [the specs say]( that
`a renderer may also provide an option to render soft line breaks as hard line
So the softwares I mentionned earlier may be using CommonMark-based markdown
rendered together with extra-features, in particular for linebreak. But any
CommonMark-based renderer is supposed to allow forcing hard linebreaks by
adding a backslash OR 2 spaces or more at the end of a line. 

As for Discount, it also implements a way to force hard linebreak [since
version 2.1.5a](
(and it works at least from Okular 21.12.3): `[support for github flavored
markdown] input methods that put hardbreaks (== two spaces) at the end of every
input line.

The bahavior of linebreaks in Markdown has actually is being [subject to
debate](, and personnally I
would rather have the option to consider newline as linebreak, ideally within
the same paragraph.

> I do think that - at some point - it could make sense to switch Okular from 
> libdiscount to Qt's recently-ish gained markdown support (iirc based upon 
> md4c) but don't hold your breath for it. Will happily review patches though.

Thank you for the feedback. [According to
QT do use their implementation. 
MD4C has CommonMark and Github-flavour, as well as extra optional features,
potentially the one regarding linebreaks.  
QT implements a strict CommonMark rendered as well a Github-flavoured one
(according to the parameters which is set when using the method).
Markdown-related methods seems to be implemented in `QTextDocument` &
`QTextEdit` classes. Are those related to the former what you had in mind ?

While I have never worked on a C++/QT/KDE project so far, it could be a
starting point... This is not something I could work on with a high priority
either, but I quickly checked the code and I guess I would have to focus on
that folder :
Would you have in mind:
1. Where in the code is libmarkdown (Discount) being called so far ? I could
see mentions of it in what seem the build instructions or as comments in
`/generators/markdown/converter.cpp`, but could not spot an actual call to the
2. Is the Markdown class (in converter.cpp) used to both render view and
generate file ? In that case, the general markdown ouput string would be the
one returned at the following line ?

Also, should QT/MD4C Markdown renderer be implemented as the new and only
markdown backend, or should it be optional and offered as an alternative
backend to Discount in the [configuration
Not sure whether this is feasible with QT, but ideally the config panel would
offer optional markdown features included in MD4C.

PS: could this bug report be moved to the Request section?

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