Hi! I'm not sure if this message is getting posted in your "stream", but I'm hoping it will. I'm a frequent flyer with the software and I love it by all means. At the moment I only have one minor "headache" that I'm thinking perhaps could be easily fixed. I usually read long scholarship papers รก .pdf and then I use SHIFT+<down> (a couple of times, till I reach desired pace) for auto-scrolling so I can just sit and watch the text. I do, however, often feel the need to highlight some part of the text. I'm a heavy hotkey user, so I just press either CTRL or SHIFT to pause the auto-scroll, and then press <number> to pick a color and highlight the potion of the text. This is where my headache is at.
After the highlight has been made, pressing CTRL or SHIFT one time does not un-pause the auto-scrolling (like it normally does). Instead I need to reactivate it by doing the SHIFT+<down arrow till desired pace> over again. This is indeed a first world issue, but if Okular could be somehow configured so that it remembers me being in a state of auto scroll (currently on hold) whilst puttin the highlight, so that I can just continue .. my life would be somewhat easier! :) Since Okular is open source I'm guessing that if I were good with code I could do this myself, but I'm not sure if it would require just some tiny lines of code or some bigger rewrite, and also, I'm not good with code! :P So, I'm putting it out there. I'm spontaneously thinking that my described "workflow" is not so weird, so that this change in behavior could in fact benefit a lot of users. Haven't given possible downsides much thought however. Cheers!