El dijous, 1 de desembre de 2022, a les 18:35:49 (CET), Hank Greenburg va escriure: > Hello, > I am looking at contributing to Okular but am having a hard time navigating > the source code. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction > of the code for the highlighters, and popup notes?
What do you mean "the code for the highlighters, and popup notes"? The UI dialogs? the toolbar? how UI to add them? How they are painted on page? > Also, is there a Matrix chat room for Okular https://matrix.to/#/#okular:kde.org > or is the mailing list the only place to ask this question or any other questions one might have? Though it's possible the mailing list will give you more answers (please subscribe) Cheers, Albert > > Thank you for your time!