--- Comment #5 from Albert Zeyer <> ---
> Because Okular is a desktop application using well known desktop application
> patterns like tooltips, and you're suggesting to change how tooltips behave
> just because you're using the wrong tool to do what you want to do.
> ... your workflow is your problem, "I now need to go through about 5000
> such review notes, and for each of it I basically need to copy & paste it
> into a separate (Latex editor) at the right place. " is not something normal
> people do, and it's not something Okular should strive to make easier by
> breaking well established patterns on how apps work.

My university department payed for a professional proofreading service to check
my PhD thesis. They told me this is the standard procedure to use Adobe tools
to put in annotations for each correction.

This does not sound like such an uncommon workflow for me.

When I open it in Acrobat Reader, it also displays in a nice way, showing all
the corrections in the comment/review section, permanently, not just in a
tooltip. Additionally, the tooltip behavior is actually close to what I
described. E.g. it shows instantly without delay.
(Although I'm not saying that the experience is perfect here. I'm not a fan of
Acrobat Reader. Actually I usually would prefer Okular.)

So, to me it looks like this is clearly Okular which is behaving in a wrong and
suboptimal way here.

Also, I don't really see this argument that it is more important to stick
exactly to standard desktop tooltip behavior and don't care about what behavior
would actually be useful to show annotations. It does not have to follow the
standard desktop tooltip behavior.

Maybe the proofreading service should directly have edited my Latex files and
send me a patch file? I don't know what the standard procedure is in this
business. But they are really not doing this for the first time.

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