BTW pak DE udah makan apa hari ini.
sektor apa pak DE yg sampe akhir taun ini bs cuan rada meyakinkan neh..


----- Original Message ----
From: Dean Earwicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, 13 October 2008 11:41:19
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Confirm First VICTORY!

Saya pengen ijo terus sampe break high.

Cuma ada yang mengganjal.. . intervensi is not real market (supply/demand) , 
secara market selalu bergerak, artinya intervensi harus dilakukan secara 
kontinyu dan progresif.

Jangan pmerintah buy hari ini, trus dicuwekin (buy and hold), harus di 
maintain.. (baca: di goreng keatas)


2008/10/13 JsxTrader <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>

Hahaha…, pantes..,pasukan OB toh rupanya yg profit taking ….. look
intraday below….
I am still in…, Pressure Masih Keatas…, I wanna see it GREEN !!!

From:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com] 
On Behalf Of Rully
Sent: 13 Oktober 2008 11:29
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Confirm First VICTORY!
<artomoro99> sell tlkm 6250....
[13:21:26] <artomoro99> sell tlkm 6250....
[13:21:28] <artomoro99> keluar dulu...
[13:21:30] <artomoro99> nanti masuk lagi
[13:21:30] <rully^-^> pehatikan komando Jendral!
[13:21:31] <artomoro99> nanti masuk lagi
[13:21:33] <artomoro99> sell tlkm 6250 nanti masuk lagi
[13:21:35] <artomoro99> sell tlkm 6250 nanti masuk lagi
[13:21:38] <rully^-^> perhatikan komando Jendral!
[13:21:39] <dian_> udah antri jendral
[13:21:44] <artomoro99> jualan dulu...
[13:22:12] <danii^> tek tok...tek tok
[13:22:28] <ihsg588159> ok deh tlkm keluar di 6250
[13:22:42] <dian_> doneee 6250
[13:22:49] <artomoro99> dah semua di jemput kan
[13:22:50] <artomoro99> dah semua di jemput kan
[13:22:51] <rully^-^> [command center]: confirm first victory!
[13:22:54] <rully^-^> [command center]: confirm first victory! 
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