To download the program to your phone, simply write this address in your wap 
browser: http://wirelessirc.sourceforge.net/WLIrc.jad (the address is 
Reported to work with: 
  a.. Nokia: 2650(*), 3100(*), 3120(*), 3200(*), 3300(*),3410(*), 3510i(*), 
3650(*), 5100(*), 5140, 6020, 6030, 6060, 6021, 6100(*), 6101, 6220, 6230, 
6230i, 6230, 6255(*), 6260, 6280, 6610(*), 6610i, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6800, 
6810,6820, 7210(*), 7250(*), 7260, 7600(*), 7610, 7710, 9300, 9500, ngage(*), 
N70, N73, N80, E60 
  b.. Sony Ericsson: T610(*), Z600(*), Z1010(?), K500, K600i, K700, k700i, 
k750i, S700i, V800, W800i, W810i, W900i, Z520A, Z530i 
  c.. Siemens: S55, C55, C60, M50, M55, MC60, M65, CF62, CX65, ME45, S65, SL55, 
A65, SX1(*^) 
  d.. Samsung: E100(?), SGH-E700, X100,X426(*), 
  e.. Motorola: T720(?),T721(?),V80, V300(*), V535, V600(*), V220,V280, Razr 
V3, C380(?), C381(?), C550, C650, A630(?), A768, A780, E1000, E398 
  f.. Blackberry: 6230(?), 7230(*), 7280, 7290, 7510(?), 7520 (remove the 
startup channel in the settings, and join manually once on the server, 
otherwise you get a nullpointerexception) 
To download the client just write address http://jmirc.sf.net/jmIrc.jad (case 
sensitive) in your mobile device's wap browser and you can start your download 
and install. 
If your phone supports Java programs then the possibilities are good. Right now 
it is reported to work without proxy on:

  a.. LG U8150 
  b.. Motorola V180, V200, V360, V600, A630, C650, RAZR V3, SLVR L6, SLVR L7 
  c.. Nextel 7520 
  d.. Sagem myX5-2v 
  e.. Samsung SGH-E370, SGH-X700, SPH-A680, C100, D600E, D900, X100 
  f.. Sanyo VM-4500, MM-8300 
  g.. Siemens M50, S55, C55, M55, C60, MC60, A65, C65, CFX65, C75 
  h.. Sony Ericsson K300i, K500i, F500i, K600i, K610i, K700i, S700, K750i, 
K800i, W800i, Z800i, P900, P910, P910i, W710i, Z1010 
  i.. RIM BlackBerry 7230, 7230e, 7280 
  j.. Nokia 3220, 3230, 5140, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6060, 6131, 6220, 6230, 6230i, 
6233, 6260, 6280, 6288, 6600, 6610i, 6630, 6820, 6822, 7200, 7250i, 7610, 7710, 
9300, 9300i, 9500, E61, E70, N-gage, N70, N80 
It works but you need proxy for:

  a.. Motorola V550, V551 
  b.. Samsung X460 
  c.. SonyEricsson Z600, T610, T630 
  d.. RIM BlackBerry 7100 
  e.. Nokia 3100, 3200, 3510i, 5100, 6100, 6310i, 6610, 7650 
Semoga membantu.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From:  bussBerry™ 
  To: OB-Yahoo 
  Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 9:33 AM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] The BATTLE is ON. Jendral akan langsung 
memimpin di #obrolanbandar, LIVE. 13 Oktober 2008, mulai 9:00 WIB.

  Bagaimana kalau sy mau install @  BlackBerry™ ?


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  From: "Rully" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 09:07:27 +0900
  To: <obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] The BATTLE is ON. Jendral akan langsung memimpin di 
#obrolanbandar, LIVE. 13 Oktober 2008, mulai 9:00 WIB.

  Jendral Artomoro yang telah memimpin pasukan kecil di bunkernya, kini akan 
memimpin pertempuran awal dari PERANG BESAR untuk mempertahankan bursa.

  Bukan melalui Yahoo! Messenger yang tidak dapat dimoderasi (sehingga dapat 
mengganggu kejernihan pesan dan komando), tapi melalui IRC Client, baik itu 
menggunakan mIRC dan kawan2nya di PC, atau jmIRC dan WLIrc untuk perangkat 
mobile (PDA, BlackBerry, dll)

  Kalau tidak terdapat IRC Client di PC Anda, silahkan akses room 
#obrolanbandar melalui http://www.mibbit.com lalu pilih sever DAL, isi nickname 
Anda, dan ketik room #obrolanbandar. Setelah semua diisi, klik Go.

  Be there or be SQUARE!


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