Berita dari reuter

 Japan says to try to minimise impact of stock fallTOKYO, Oct 10 (Reuters) -
Japan's top government spokesman said on Friday the government would seek to
minimise the impact of a plunge in Japanese stocks on the economy, and tax
steps to support stock prices may be considered.
"Stock prices as a whole are moving in line with U.S. and European markets,"
Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura told a news conference, who described
the falls as "psychological".

The Nikkei average tumbled 11 percent on Friday, leaving it facing its
biggest one-day drop since the 1987 stock market crash on fears the
financial crisis will lead to a global recession

2008/10/10 ALX™ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>    Jadwal Nikkei (WIB)
> Sesi I   : 06:45 - 09:15
> Sesi II  : 10:15 - 13:25
> --
> Salam
> ALX™
> 2008/10/10 Landlord The <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>  Saya melihat index nikkei tidak bergerak2 dari tadi, sekitar 30 men yg
>> lalu. Apakah nikkei juga disuspend? Posisi terakhir di screen saya
>>   Index Value: *8,183.37* Trade Time: 10:00PM ET Change: [image: Down]
>> 974.12 (10.64%) Prev Close: 9,157.49 Open: 9,016.34 Day's Range: 8115.41-
>> 9016.34 52wk Range: 9,100.93 - 17,489.00
>> Ada yg bisa konfirmasi?
>> Tks.
>> LL.

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