Setuju Pak... saya juga pendapat bahwa technically bursa saham amrik itu ga akan turun sampe over 30-40% lah ya dari peak... which was 14000 an...
Karena kalo udah turun gila2an gitu pasti pemerintah sono do something untuk mengcover up resesi global... sehingga kalo udah turun sampe 20-30% bisa dibantu supaya rebound... Bandar2 sono seakan2 mancing retail juga ikutan panic buy dgn kabar begini Mudah2an ini awal kebangkitan bursa... soalnya saya inget banget di bulan puasa tahun lalu pasar saham kita rally kenceng banget... walaupun kali ini agak telat tapi saya dukung supaya naek terus... heehhe.. Hari ini harusnya indeks kita naek kenceng... Pertanyaannya, apakah ini awal dari long term bull channel apa Cuma bull trap? Warm regards, Suganda Wihardjo ________________________________ From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of t_bumi Sent: 08 September 2008 8:53 To: Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: HIJAU KEMBALI ! --- In <> , "Vic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > n225 + 2,73%. aord +2,39%. > gak bisa ngeshort donk hehehe. atau idx malah kebalikannya?? > > > Sip : tbumi Maka itu semua investor harus setia dan tak boleh CL karena tak satu manusia yg bisa tahu apa yg akan terjadi didunia ini. Ini sdh terbukti semua dunia masih percaya dgn USA. Pemerintah USA di akhir pekan hanya dgn omong saja bahwa kedua institusi keuangan tsb akan ditolong (pd hal pelaksanaan masih belum), bursa regional langsung naik roket. This email and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the addressee, do not disclose, copy, circulate or in any other way use or rely on the information contained in this email or any attachments. If received in error, notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments from your system. Emails cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error free as the message and any attachments could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, delayed, incomplete or amended. Standard Chartered PLC and its subsidiaries do not accept liability for damage caused by this email or any attachments and may monitor email traffic. Standard Chartered PLC is incorporated in England with limited liability under company number 966425 and has its registered office at 1 Aldermanbury Square, London, EC2V 7SB. Standard Chartered Bank ("SCB") is incorporated in England with limited liability by Royal Charter 1853, under reference ZC18. The Principal Office of SCB is situated in England at 1 Aldermanbury Square, London EC2V 7SB. In the United Kingdom, SCB is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority under FSA register number 114276. If you are receiving this email from SCB outside the UK, please click to refer to the information on other jurisdictions.