Coba cek BUY ORDER TABLES setelah Jam 15.55.00 (lima menit terakhir) ..,
you'll find the answer.., at least for today.




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Aria Bela Nusa
Sent: 02 September 2008 19:56
Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI 4850 ??????????????
Importance: High


Maskudnya - 'dijaga'in' itu apa, yah - dijaga spy tidak naek2 ato dijaga spy
tidak turun2 (seberapa koeat menjaga2nya - apa sampe titik darah
penghabisan, etc) - tapi kalo menurut saya terlepas dr itu kalo harga mau
turun2, yah turun2 'aja (& sebaliknya)


Happy Chuan,




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Elaine Sui
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI 4850 ??????????????


Berani atau desperate? Elaine tanya, jawab lah, apa perbedaan gain 10% di
BUMI, dan gain 10% di Hexindo or gain 10% di BCA?

If your answer is "none", then you're very wrong. Stock trading is a game of
probability and speculation. To speculate, you must watch carefully the
situation surrounding the overall market, what the current sentiment is,
where the money flows, etc. In short you must have the ability to predict
how ppl will react on certain events.

Let's say oil drops -5% in one session. How will the market react?
Or let's say Euro gains 5% against US Dollar. How will this impact other
Iraq just made a deal with China, what's gonna happen to China's Rival (US)?

The more information you have, the more accurate your speculation is. But
still, it's a speculation, and it still has risks, and rewards nevertheless.
That's why we need HIM to bless our actions. Papa Elaine pernah kasih pesan
"Kamu jangan minta sama Tuhan jalan keluar. Kamu cari jalan keluar sendiri,
dan minta Tuhan dukung kamu punya rencana" dan Elaine tetap ingat sampai

Maaf terlambat, tetapi selamat puasa untuk teman Moslem OB. ^_^ Hope for the
best. Jangan lupa hong bao untuk Elaine ya... :)


2008/9/2 y_dizz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Itu mah bukan dijagain, bandar kelihatannya udah males mainin BUMI,
hasilnya malah nyangkut semua di atas.

Volume beberapa hari terakhir tipis. Hari ini yang berani beraksi
cuma ML, dia guyur hampir 100rb lot.

Untuk tembus 4850 itu sebenarnya urusan kecil. Saya masih ingat bulan
July lalu ada postingan di OB tentang sejumlah hedge fund yang mau
tarik dananya total 20 trilyun dari BUMI. Bayangkan kalo duit segitu
langsung diguyur kiri, BUMI akan turun berapa poin? Paling juga udah

--- In, "edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> BUMI sampai saat ini terus di jaga BANDAR sehingga tdk pernah
tembus 4850 itu menurut pendapat saya loh
> Bagimana pendapat teman 2x yg lain ???


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