Bad News:
The Aussie was the second-worst performer among the 16 most- traded
currencies versus the U.S. dollar in Asian trading today as the
difference in yield between two-year Australian and U.S. government
bonds narrowed to 3.31 percentage points, the lowest since Nov. 14.
The differential reached a high of 5.10 points on Feb. 29. 

Good News: yay finally!!! :) Indonesia kapan nih menyusul?
Traders are certain the RBA will lower its 7.25 percent benchmark rate
by at least a quarter-percentage point when it meets next on Sept. 2,
according to a Credit Suisse Group index based on interest-rate swaps.
They expect the central bank to reduce rates by 91 basis points, or
0.91 percentage point, over the next 12 months, another Credit Suisse
index shows.

--- In, Kucing Tua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> kok isinya kosong yah? aneh
> --- On Mon, 8/11/08, Vincent Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Vincent Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [obrolan-bandar] RIO di aust intradaynya mulai naik
> To:
> Date: Monday, August 11, 2008, 11:45 PM

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