*yang mendowngrade DB, mungkin kang ocoy bisa menjelaskan perubahan wacc dari 14% ke 16% apakah hal tersebut memang reasonable or kang ocoy mungkin bisa sharing opininya tentang nilai wajar tersebut,anyway from my opinion since market is already know about this downgrade then everyone will look if aali price will go down to 15.000 in coming weeks/months or in other words investors would stop buying at current price and waiting in the bottom or it can be said that AALI akan di MARKED DOWN, he...he...he....wel well, what a beautiful game that we play today right?, Oh I forgot something, someone downgrade INCO to 2.000, what a very good anaylis downgrade from 7.000 or is that indicating something smelly (please guys/ girls you know that, somebody here want every stock analysis downgrading commodity stocks recently)*
AALI target 15.000 Posted by: "Kidod25" [EMAIL PROTECTED] kidod25 Thu Aug 7, 2008 9:28 pm (PDT) saya ga tau siapa yg buat?? Downgrading Astra Agro to Sell (from Buy) Our rating and earnings estimate downgrades reflect serious deterioration in palm oil price outlook and much higher production costs. We believe the market still underestimates these developments, particularly sharply rising fertiliser prices. Our sensitivity shows Astra Agro's net earnings fall by 2.2% and 2.8% for every 1% decline in palm oil price and 5% increase in production cost, respectively. Double hit for Astra Agro We expect significant deterioration in its earnings and margin outlook starting 2H08 owing to lower palm oil prices and higher production costs. Both greater palm oil production and a bumper soybean crop in the US have weakened CPO price outlook (already 21% off its recent high in June 2008). Meanwhile, we forecast margin pressures from rising production costs to persist amid sharply rising fertiliser prices particularly for potash and phosphate. Reducing EBIT forecasts by 17-40% for 2008-10 Our downward revisions reflect a 7-19% reduction in the CPO price assumption and a 21-34% increase in production cost/kg. We cut CPO price assumptions following deterioration in palm oil outlook, especially due to greater-than- expected palm oil production and a bumper soybean crop in the US. Meanwhile, the rise in production cost is due to a steep 100-200% rise in fertiliser cost in past 6 months. Lowering TP to Rp15,000 from Rp31,500 The TP revision reflects our earnings est. downgrades following lower CPO price and higher production costs and WACC rate. We derive the TP based on a 10-year DCF valuation using 16% (from 14%) WACC and 2.5% TG (page 6). Upside risks include lowering production costs, securing land bank and seedlings to expand its plantation, and securing/renewing necessary land licensing (page 6).