ya kl kuat ekonominya sebenernya enak fix untuk menghindari penguatan secara 
tiba2 yang mengganggu export...Kl fix tapi ekonomi yg dukung lemah ibaratnya 
kaya memberi sibsidi, tau2 harga naik 100% kl ga kuat... 

--- Pada Sen, 28/7/08, Elaine Sui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> menulis:
Dari: Elaine Sui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Inflasi di Zimbabwe
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 28 Juli, 2008, 2:33 AM


            Pegged (Fixed) currency often lead to severe financial crises since
a peg is difficult to maintain in the long run. This was seen in the
Mexican (1995), Asian and Russian (1997) financial crises: an attempt
(by the government) to maintain a high value of the local currency to the peg 
resulted in
the currencies eventually becoming overvalued. This meant that the
governments could no longer meet the demands to convert the local
currency into the foreign currency at the pegged rate. 

With speculation
and panic, investors scrambled to get out their money and convert it
into foreign currency before the local currency was devalued against
the peg; foreign reserve supplies eventually became depleted. In
Mexico's case, the government was forced to devalue the peso by 30%. In
Thailand, the government eventually had to allow the currency to float,
and by the end of 1997, the baht had lost its value by 50% as the
market's demand and supply readjusted the value of the local currency. Rupiah 
also lost as much as 80% of its value.

So it's not an option for Indonesia. Different case for China since they're net 
exporters, their currency has to be pegged.


On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 6:42 AM,  <riil_investor@ yahoo.com> wrote:


Saya sangat menghargai sikap spt anda bung! Sy sendiri tidak pernah pegang 
dollar apalagi transaksi dollar! Kecuali unt keperluan2 penting (ke LN). Sy 
disayangkan banyak sahabat2 sy sangat sering melakukab jual/beli dollar unt 
keuntungan sendiri! mendingan di peg aja RP kita dilevel 9000 drpd jadi ajabg 
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] net.id
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 00:05:25 +0700 (WIT)

To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Inflasi di Zimbabwe


 Please have respect to our own currency,
 Walaupun korupsi merajalela …. Kita harapkan usaha KPK bisa membuahkan hasil
 Dan kalau bukan masyarakat Indonesia yang menghargai rupiah &#61664; siapa

 lageeee ??

 Saya malah berpendapat sudah saatnya BI mengeluarkan mata uang Rp500,000-an


 ____________ _________ _________ _________ _
 From: [mailto:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of ALX™

 Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 5:12 PM
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar]

 Setuju nih kalo mata uang rupiah angkanya dibagi 1000 untuk mempermudah. ..

 Tapi 1 dollar tdk sama dengan Rp 9,3
 melainkan 1 dollar = KR 9,3

 KR maksud nya KiloRupiah, atau malah bagusnya di singkat Korup (KiloRupiah)
 Jadi 1 dollar = Korup 9,3



 2008/7/26 <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
 Beberapa negara pernah mengalami inflasi gila-gilaan seperti ini,
 Jerman pasca PD II inflasinya super tinggi sampai harus menerbitkan

 mata uang jutaan mark, bolivia, yugoslavia dan sekarang zimbabwe.
 Gimana caranya mereka mengembalikan nilai mata uang ke angka yang
 normal ? Apakah dengan sanering seperti jaman sukarno dulu?

 Misalnya mata uang rupiah angkanya dibagi 1000 untuk mempermudah

 penyebutan, sehingga 1 dollar = Rp. 9.3 apa efeknya bagi dunia
 keuangan ?









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