Betul sekali, bung Hendrik & bung Wiro Mid-Long Term, FINANCE dalam UPTREND.
Short Term Finance akan koreksi sehat, sehubungan profit taking dan kemungkinan OIL akan Technical Rebound.... Kalo itu terjadi maka BUY: BBRI di 5500-5200 BDMN di 5300-5100 BBNI di 1300-1200 BBCA di 2800-2600 Kalo long-term Investor sih tenang-tenang aja ato boleh AVERAGE DOWN. Disc ON rgs, JM --- In, "Wiro Milis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > beda opini boleh kan :) saya cenderung setuju dengan Pak Hendrik. Finance > siap tinggal landas, BBRI mungkin adalah best buy saat di support nanti bbrp > hari lagi. > Lets see nanti apa yang terjadi. > > 2008/7/27 Ajo Ramon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > Agree Pa Hmin, bull is still in the pit, finance is no more than taking > > advantage of the absence of pressure from oil. BBRI udah di top of the > > downtrend channel, BMRI udah di top of the triangle line, both of them siap2 > > buat nyelam lagi. BBNI? Seram euy,,,kayak dead cat bouncing gitu. > > > > >