kok beritanya 1 bulan yang lalu??

Sekarang, harga nikel kayaknya ndak terpengaruh dengan tutupnya smelter



On 7/14/08, Richard Rahardjo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>      BHP to Shut Nickel Furnace for Revamp Ahead of Plans (Update3)
> By Rebecca Keenan
> June 12 (Bloomberg) -- BHP Billiton 
> Ltd.<http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/quote?ticker=BSL%3AAU>,
> the world's largest mining company, will shutdown a nickel smelter and
> refinery in Western Australia for four months, limiting supply and sending
> prices of the metal higher.
> An earlier-than-planned rebuild of the Kalgoorlie smelter furnace will
> reduce nickel sales by a total of 28,000 metric tons, the Melbourne-based
> company said today in a statement. The Kwinana refinery, the world's
> third-largest producer of the refined metal, will be shutdown during the
> rebuild, the company said.
> ``It's about 2 percent of global nickel supply and that's a fair amount,'' 
> Mark
> Pervan<http://search.bloomberg.com/search?q=Mark+Pervan&site=wnews&client=wnews&proxystylesheet=wnews&output=xml_no_dtd&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&filter=p&getfields=wnnis&sort=date:D:S:d1>,
> senior commodity strategist at Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd.,
> said today by phone from Melbourne. ``It would put a nice floor under the
> nickel price. It won't be huge but it could get back towards *$30,000 *a
> ton.''
> Nickel in London rose as much as 6 percent today to $24.585, extending
> gains this month on concern power disruptions in Western Australia and
> declining stockpiles will crimp supply. Nickel usage will climb to a record
> this year as output of stainless steel recovers, the International Nickel
> Study Group said in April.
> BHP fell <http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/quote?ticker=BHP%3AAU> A$1.64, or
> 3.8 percent, to A$41.80 at the 4:10 p.m. Sydney time close on the Australian
> stock exchange. The stock has risen 4.1 percent this year, while the
> benchmark index has declined 16 percent.
> Australian Cuts
> Minara Resources Ltd.<http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/quote?ticker=BHP%3AAU>,
> Australia's second-largest nickel producer, cut output forecasts this week
> after a fire at a natural gas plant slashed supplies of the fuel in Western
> Australia by 30 percent. Annual nickel production may fall by as much as 23
> percent, Minara said. BHP also was affected by the outage and natural gas
> used at Kalgoorlie will be reallocated to the Worsley alumina refinery, the
> company said today.
> BHP stands to gain <http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/quote?ticker=BHP%3AAU>the 
> most from any increase in the nickel price, compared with Anglo American
> Plc, Cia. Vale do Rio Doce and Rio Tinto Group, according to an April report
> by ING Bank NV. BHP's profit increases by $50 million for every 25 cent per
> pound gain in the nickel price, it said. Xstrata's profit would rise by $35
> million, it said.
> BHP's stainless steel division, which includes the nickel business, was
> BHP's biggest unit by sales last year, with earnings before interest and tax
> tripling to $3.7 billion. BHP produced 186,300 tons of nickel in the year
> ending June 30, 2007.
> Nickel Mines
> The Kalgoorlie smelter processes ore from BHP's Kambalda and Leinster
> nickel mines in Western Australia. Once smelted the product is railed to the
> Kwinana refinery and then onto the Port of Fremantle for export.
> The Kalgoorlie smelter normally produces about 100,000 tons of
> nickel-in-matte a year, the company said. It supplies the Kwinana refinery
> and international customers.
> BHP also buys ore from nearby nickel producers, including Mincor Resources
> NL, and processes the ore at the smelter. BHP is planning to stockpile
> nickel concentrate at the smelter, though the company hasn't given a ``a
> definitive guarantee everything will continue on business as usual,'' Mincor
> said today in a statement.
> ``We will continue all reasonable endeavors to maintain purchases,'' Emma
> Meade<http://search.bloomberg.com/search?q=Emma+Meade&site=wnews&client=wnews&proxystylesheet=wnews&output=xml_no_dtd&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&filter=p&getfields=wnnis&sort=date:D:S:d1>,
> a spokeswoman for BHP, said by phone.
> To contact the reporter on this story: Rebecca 
> Keenan<http://search.bloomberg.com/search?q=Rebecca+Keenan&site=wnews&client=wnews&proxystylesheet=wnews&output=xml_no_dtd&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&filter=p&getfields=wnnis&sort=date:D:S:d1>in
>  Melbourne at
> *Last Updated: **June 12, 2008** **03:10 EDT*

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