kadang nyesek juga seh tapi ya komitmen lah

jsxtrader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:          Terbalik dooong..., selama ngga 
pake margin justru bagus buat 
trader.., kalau investor malah 'nyesek', baru naik dikit dan belum 
sempet take profit sdh kempes lagi.., kecuali utk the real investor 5 
thn'an kaya Pak Rei... hehe

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, SyIFA Fund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hmmmm......
> This gonna be good for fundamentalist but poor for 
trader.....margin trader should be on call right now....
> --- On Tue, 6/10/08, James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> From: James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Wanted: NEW captain pilot. was:Re: [obrolan-bandar] 
The Hell With DOW !!!
> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, June 10, 2008, 8:18 AM
> heheh .. maksudnya sekarang duit retailpun significant untuk 
dikerok ... hahah, retail investor sih nggak peduli ama naik turunnya 
index tapi retailer yang trader sih naik turun aja, kalau aman naik 
kalau nggak aman turun
> On 6/10/08, JsxTrader [EMAIL PROTECTED] com&gt; wrote: Misleading 
gimana...?? Jadi kamu tau market mau kemana?..., waaaa…kamu bisa 
diketawain si Engkong SB nanti…hehehe Retail sdh biasa digebukin, 
senjatanya paling lari…, btw kamu bilang duit retail insignificant 
and bukan target kamu…, kok sekarang mau dihajar? Hehe…,  hati-hati 
aja EL, BD ngga cuma satu disini.., BD sama BD juga suka main 
hajar2an …hehe Salam,JsxTrader From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
[mailto:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Elaine
> Sent: 10 Juni 2008 9:27
> To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
> Subject: Re: Wanted: NEW captain pilot. was:Re: [obrolan-bandar] 
The Hell With DOW !!! Elaine ingat kemarin ada bilang "nobody knows 
where the market goes", it's actually misleading. EVERYBODY KNOWS 
> Biasa Elaine mau nuke cerita di OB, sekarang diam-diam saja. Kadang 
retail perlu dihajar juga sekali-sekali.
> ElaineOn Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 9:57 PM, Roegi QQ [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
com&gt; wrote:i thought today is the day &gt;:)
> El, katakanlah besok benar2 terjadi crash, or last call for equity, 
or emas/dollar bergoyang, or badai salju di nigeria , etc,
> kira2 "WHAT NEXT ?"    "APA GA BOSAN?"
> Pls share if u have one.
> thx
> On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 9:33 PM, Elaine &lt;you.can.call. me.elaine@ 
gmail.com&gt; wrote:senang tidak mengantuk like we had last week ya. 
> Oh well, I miss my prediction about a crash at least for today (lol 
it was CLOSE, you knew what happened at the end of the day, although 
I never said it was gonna be today but whatever..), so I guess I have 
to take a break and cool off a bit. I feel bad OB jadi penuh junk 
> I have to admit, I miscalculated the strength of the local 
kingpins..umm. . players, but now I know who's who. I'm not signing 
out, but I'll restrain myself to post for a while. Biasa kalau 
pesawat tidak ada pilot, pasti crash... &gt;:D
> PS: If you see a punk kid trying to provoke me AGAIN, please do me 
a favor, grab a baseball bat and beat him to death. Plz.. ^_^
> Just kidding!!! Good luck everyone! love ya!
> Elaine2008/6/9 JsxTrader [EMAIL PROTECTED] com&gt;:EL.., give me 
Smile !!  I know you don't want the crash as much as I do…, where we 
are heading now? Salam,JsxTrader From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. 
com [mailto:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Elaine
> Sent: 09 Juni 2008 16:02
> To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] The Hell With DOW !!! Thrilling untuk 
trader ya.. :)
> Elaine2008/6/9 JsxTrader [EMAIL PROTECTED] com&gt;:IJOOOO….., BOZZ 
you do a great Job…. !! Thank You. We have a proven strong support at 
2350 Now !! Salam,JsxTrader No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG.
> Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 270.0.0/1490 - Release Date: 
08/06/2008 17:32  No virus found in this incoming message.
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> Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 270.0.0/1490 - Release Date: 
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> -- 
> DoInvestmentOnYourD ecision
> ...R.. 



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