Ahaaa…, Senang sekali mendengar anda menggunakan the word PREDICTION…,
that’s mean you admit that NOBODY KNOWS where the market will go.., yes,
nobody knows.., not even Mbah, You, Mr Oen, Boss Tasrul, DE, Boyz, TBumi,
apalagi saya…..,   well, we can only PREDICT and ANTICIPATE  it… otherwise
Om Bakrie bisa tergeser posisinya dong…. hehehe


Ok EL.., jangan take a break lama-lama ya.., urusannya belum beres nih..,
termasuk urusan anda dgn someone here…(hahaha…canda bro..), we got a lot of
works to do .., nanti aja take a long vacation-nya kalo index sdh 3000…. You
do want 3000 rite?





From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Elaine
Sent: 09 Juni 2008 21:33
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Wanted: NEW captain pilot. was:Re: [obrolan-bandar] The Hell With
DOW !!!


senang tidak mengantuk like we had last week ya. ^_^

Oh well, I miss my prediction about a crash at least for today (lol it was
CLOSE, you knew what happened at the end of the day, although I never said
it was gonna be today but whatever..), so I guess I have to take a break and
cool off a bit. I feel bad OB jadi penuh junk mail.

I have to admit, I miscalculated the strength of the local kingpins..umm..
players, but now I know who's who. I'm not signing out, but I'll restrain
myself to post for a while. Biasa kalau pesawat tidak ada pilot, pasti
crash... >:D

PS: If you see a punk kid trying to provoke me AGAIN, please do me a favor,
grab a baseball bat and beat him to death. Plz.. ^_^

Just kidding!!! Good luck everyone! love ya!


2008/6/9 JsxTrader <HYPERLINK "mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

EL.., give me Smile !!  I know you don't want the crash as much as I do…,
where we are heading now?





From: HYPERLINK "mailto:obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com";
"mailto:obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com"; [EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Elaine
Sent: 09 Juni 2008 16:02
To: HYPERLINK "mailto:obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com";
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] The Hell With DOW !!!


Thrilling untuk trader ya.. :)


2008/6/9 JsxTrader <HYPERLINK "mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

IJOOOO….., BOZZ you do a great Job…. !! Thank You.


We have a proven strong support at 2350 Now !!





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