FS's target...at least 4200 at the end of 2009 Elaine's target? I am neither a trader nor a gambler, so amuse me EL!
Elaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I don't know, I went for long term (quarterly review). Anyway to all who emailed me directly, I'm really sorry I can't give any answer/recommendation. I suggest you throw it here so everybody can respond. I'm generally bullish on all sector until... [insert a monkey picture here]. I just have one message to all : DO NOT OVERTRADE. Sedikit investor di OB ya? Mostly traders and gamblers. Yummy ^_^. Anyway I really miss Fred Schubert. Somebody please invite him back. It's about TIME. He should be the captain pilot (as I see all the guys here are chickens). Does anyone here kind enough to repost Fred's targets. I'm too lazy. Atau mau target versi Elaine? Elaine 2008/5/17 Nathania <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Gimana Jendril Elaine apakah minggu depan berlanjut Ijo nya ? atau minggu yang berat spt dikatakan T_Bumi. ----- Original Message ----- From: t_bumi To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 10:40 PM Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: EMBAH... BUTUH ADVISED NYA.... PLEASEEEEEE SIP : TBUMI Minggu depan adalah minggu yg sangat berat bagi investor BEI : - DOWJ sdh merah hari Jumat tgl 16-Mei-2008 - BEI libur hari Selasa tgl. 20-Mei-2008 - BBM menurut rumors akan naik 30% hari Jumat 23-Mei-2008 - DOWJ tutup hari Senin tgl 26-Mei-2008 - minyak sdh tembus di $127 Happy Cuan bagi yg sdh keluar.